About Me

Hello and welcome! I’m Jill and I’m the one who has spilled all over this web page. I tend to spill lots of things, like coffee, sewing pins and baking ingredients. So instead of just making a mess on my clothes, I’d rather spill a little bit on this corner of the internet.

I have a passion for the little things in life. Specifically, where beauty is found in the simplicities of every day. I love styling the perfect outfit which carries you through the day. I love the one extra ingredient that brings a meal together. Mostly I love the connection with others that these little things can bring. I want to share these with people whether our time is shared in person through a styling session or online via my writing. 

I studied Family & Consumer Sciences and Fashion Design at Meredith College and I now spend my days with a lovely blend of these things as a middle school Family & Consumer Sciences teacher in Raleigh, North Carolina. I spend my afternoons and evenings reading, sewing, and shopping. 

Jill’s Spill is an outpouring of all my favorite things and a reminder to me to look for the sweet gifts from the Lord whether they are found in the morning sunrise or the vibrant smile of a friend in a new favorite outfit. 

Much love,



Let’s connect!
Instagram: @jillsspill
Email: jillsspill@gmail.com